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We've moved the blog over to a different site. If you are not redirected in 5 seconds, click here to visit the new blog at
Posted by Schafer Photography at 2:07 PM 0 comments
Posted by Schafer Photography at 4:01 PM 0 comments
Birthday's have taken on a whole new meaning after he was born. I know it sounds corny. But, for me, it's true. We really do celebrate something special on a birthday. Now, as I excited as we all are about birthdays, this kid truly takes the cake. As we were walking around taking these shots on the day just before his birthday, he looks me in the eye and says: "Dad....can you belive I'm almost SE-VEN! Every second is more that I'm not going to be six anymore."
Posted by Schafer Photography at 2:40 PM 1 comments
Labels: children, family, life, San Diego Photographer
I really do love the San Diego skyline. Last weekend I was down in Coronado just about sunset. Here's a few quick shots of our beautiful city.
Posted by Schafer Photography at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: San Diego Photographer
Posted by Schafer Photography at 10:17 PM 0 comments
It was a blessing to spend time with Dawn and Maia over the New Year holiday. They soaked up the SoCal sunshine before heading back to the stormy Northwest.spend
Posted by Schafer Photography at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: beach, lifestyle, San Diego Photographer
Posted by Schafer Photography at 1:16 PM 0 comments
Posted by Schafer Photography at 10:26 AM 2 comments
Labels: life, San Diego Photographer
This little monkey was so cute. He spent a bit of time awake during our session and also took some short naps.
Posted by Schafer Photography at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: children, newborn, San Diego Photographer
Posted by Schafer Photography at 8:39 PM 1 comments
If you're still lookiing for a gift for someone this year, how about a gift certificate from Schafer Photography? Give us a call. We can tailor the certificate to whatever you are looking for. Here's one example.
Posted by Schafer Photography at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: San Diego Photographer
Many of us who've lived in San Diego for some time forget to take in the tourist attractions in our own city. The rich history of San Diego can be found everywhere. One of the places that we love to visit is the Presidio / Serra Museum in San Diego, just above Old Town. Yesterday, Susan and Brian met us there for a quick mini-session. Their son is wonderfully fun and photogenic young man with a knowing smile.
Posted by Schafer Photography at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: family, San Diego Photographer
This beautiful lady was in town visiting her family. Last weekend we got a chance to spend some time with JeanJo and her kids, ......their kids, ...........and their kids...... Yes! A four generation get together. This was truly an honor for us to be welcomed into this family for an afternoon to capture them all interacting. Here she is "workin' it" for the camera.
Posted by Schafer Photography at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: family, San Diego Photographer
Our family is full and well fed. We started the day by fighting the crazy 6 am crowd at Target and then ran home to have our "stuffing" omelet. That is an awesome recipe we got from Sam The Cooking Guy. BluDomain had great sales and I even donned red lipstick to get one of their great Black Friday deals. Anybody who knows me realizes I would never wear lipstick. I had to search the depths of my bathroom sinks to find some. So look for our new and improved web site to come soon. To really get in the spirit, check out this great video by the Gap.
Posted by Schafer Photography at 11:59 AM 1 comments
This beautiful family met us down by the bay last weekend for some family shots. We got so many photos of family, it was hard to choose which to put on the blog. Here are just a few.
Posted by Schafer Photography at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: family, San Diego Photographer
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